Sunday, December 29, 2019

Steve Jobs And The World s Most Valuable Company Essay

Introduction Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in his parents’ garage in 1976, was ousted in 1985, returned to rescue it from near bankruptcy in 1997, and by the time he died, in 2011, had built it into the world’s most valuable company. Along the way he helped to transform several industries including personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing. Driven by demons, Jobs could drive those around him to fury and despair. In the biography Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, we see that Jobs acted as though the normal rules didn’t apply to him, and the passion, intensity, and extreme emotionalism he brought to everyday life were things he also poured into the products he made. â€Å"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.† —Apple’s â€Å"Think Different† commercial, 1997 Engage Face-to-Face Despite being a denizen of the digital world, Jobs was a strong believer in face-to-face meetings â€Å"There’s a temptation in our networked age to think that ideas can be developed by e-mail and iChat,† Jobs told Isaacson. â€Å"That’s crazy. Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what they’re doing, you say ‘Wow,’ and soon you’re cooking up all sorts of ideas.† He had the Pixar building designed to promote unplanned encounters and collaborations, to make people get out of their offices and mingle in the central atrium with people they might not otherwise see. JobsShow MoreRelatedIngvar Kamprad vs Steve Jobs Essay1111 Words   |  5 PagesIngvar Kamprad and Steve Jobs are two people that have set their footmark forever on this planet. Ingvar Kamprad is founder of the great furniture empire, IKEA. Steve Jobs is best known as one of the co-founders of Apple, the most valuable company on earth. Both these business gurus are huge role models of mine and have definitely changed my way of thinking in several ways. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Reasons Why I Serve My Country - 782 Words

The reasons why I serve my country Although my reasons for serving this great country are almost endless, there are two primary reasons that brought me into the United States (US) Army. These reasons are duty and family tradition. This essay will expound upon these core reasons that have allowed me to work in a profession I love for the past ten years. My story for joining starts out the same as many other military members, on September 11th, 2001. As a freshman at Arkansas State University, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life. After September 11th it was very clear what I needed to do, but not exactly how to arrive at that point. Fortunately, my father worked at the university and saw a perfect opportunity to introduce me to the Army ROTC cadre. Three years later I was reporting to Fort Benning, Georgia for Infantry Officer Basic Course. The foremost reason why I joined and still serving is duty. As a citizen of the US it is my honor that I am allowed to serve and defend this land. Duty is about serving in something greater than yourself, bettering yourself in the process, and helping others along the way. Since I have been active duty, I have had an affinity for knowing people and their pasts. Subsequently, one question I always ask Soldiers is what brought them to join the military. A small fraction dared to say the benefits, however an overwhelming majority gave reasons of nothing more than they loved their country. Some of the stories were soShow MoreRelatedThe Army Profession1228 Words   |  5 Pagesbecause the Army certifies them as such† (Snider, D. M. 2008). In October 2010, the Secretary of the Army directed the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) to lead an Army wide assessment of the state of the Army Profession. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Fingerprints free essay sample

Fingerprints are developed from a unique way that most people cannot even guess how they come about (Fingerprint, 2012). There are many different types of patterns on a person’s finger. Where do a person’s fingerprints come from? Fingerprints develop in a fetus growing in the mother’s womb, between the gestational weeks 12 and 16. The development of the prints is when the fetus is touching things inside their mother, like when a baby kicks or pushes around inside the womb (Fingerprint, 2012) this is the reason being that no two people, not even identical twins, has the same fingerprint pattern. Dactylography is known as the history of fingerprints (Fingerprint, 2012). Before Americans discovered the idea of classifying fingerprints; evidence from Nova Scotia, Ancient Babylon, and the Chinese T’ang Dynasty were present within the eighth century (Lyman, 2011) Their use of the fingerprint was impressed on documents used for business and trade (Lyman, 2011) The first known use of fingerprinting was developed by Sir William Herschel in 1858, in Bengal, India ( Lyman, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Fingerprints or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Herschel required natives to fingerprint and sign business contracts. Alphonse Bertillon developed the Bertillon system (Lyman, 2011). The Bertillon system is a system that identified specific bony parts of the human body that Alphonse claimed would never change throughout a person’s entire life span. American’s relied on this method for more than 30 years as a means of identification. In 1903, a Supreme Court case proved the system to be wrong. Michael D. Lyman states (2011),† The value of fingerprints as a means of detecting the fallibility of the Bertillon system and establishing the value and reliability of individualized identification for criminal suspects was therefor established† (p. 109). Before fingerprinting was established, photos, witnesses, and branding were the only ways of identifying people (Lyman, 2011) Since then, identification of people has changed dramatically. There are many different patterns and characteristics of fingerprints (Lyman, 2011) Some examples include the arch loop, whorl, ulnar, central pocket, bridge, island, dot, and many others (Lyman, 2011). Each has it’s own appearance, some people have many of these, and some have few, once again no one’s fingerprints are exactly alike (Lyman, 2011). This being the reason that fingerprinting is the only proven means of identifying a person, besides DNA. Overall, fingerprints begin as a fetus touches things in a mother’s womb (Fingerprints, 2012) The way fingerprints were started to be used was doubted at first, and then came to be the most efficient way of identification. There are many patterns and characteristics that make up a fingerprint and no two prints are the same, not even in identical twins, who share the same DNA.